Consultant Child, Adolescent, Young Adult Psychiatrist
- MBChB, MRCPsych (UK), FRANZCP, Cert. Child Adol. Psych
- Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Dr Laura Robertson is a female Child, Adolescent and Young Adult Psychiatrist on the Gold Coast providing care for families from the Gold Coast, Logan, Brisbane and North NSW. She is a UK national and obtained her medical degree from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2009. After completing basic post-graduate training, she entered general practice training before commencing psychiatry training in 2014. She had the opportunity to work in various areas of psychiatric practice in the public system in the UK. Following completing her membership exams with the Royal College of Psychiatry, she moved to the Gold Coast in 2018.
Since arriving on the Gold Coast, Dr. Robertson has continued to work in psychiatry in the public sector. Subsequently, she completed the requirements to become a fellow with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatry (RANZCP) in December 2022. During her later years, she had sub-specialised in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and received her Child and Adolescent Certificate. Dr Robertson is a Child, Adolescent, and Young Adult Psychiatrist who started her private practice on the Gold Coast in 2023 at Family Nurture.
Dr. Robertson has had experience working with people across different parts of the life cycle and presenting with various psychiatric concerns. More recently, she has been working with young people under 18 years of age. She will continue to provide services to children and young people under 25 years and their families. Dr Robertson provides care for children with Mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, Psychosis, Trauma and PTSD, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Additionally, she has a particular interest in working with young people who have been impacted by trauma and attachment difficulties.
Dr. Robertson believes in providing a truly holistic approach to young people and their families, which is tailored to their individual needs. This includes, where appropriate, evidence-based psychopharmacological interventions but with a strong emphasis on supplementing this with other non-pharmacological based interventions. Dr. Robertson is committed to providing the best support and interventions for the young people with whom she engages with the hopes of supporting all on their recovery journey.
Dr Robertson does not provide telehealth consultations as an initial or ongoing appointment, so please consider this before making an appointment. She only provides face-to-face consultation at the clinic.